Monday, 9 November 2009

My fight with a mosquito...

Last night, just when I was settling down in a nice, comfortable position in bed, I heard it. The clear 'buzz buzz buzz' of my arch enemy, the Mosquito. It was close. I contemplated simply closing my eyes and being done with it - but then I remembered how tasty I am to those retched things. I think I'm their heroin. They just can't leave me alone! I turn on my light, to find nothing. Silence. And then...I spot it, less than a metre away, silently perched on my bed head. I go to squish it - for it's the right thing to do with mossies! It flies away, too slow. Then I try again, and then a third time. Each with less success. This means war! There is no way I was going to let a small destructive insect ruin my nights sleep. I put on the mosquito repeller, almost knowing that it's too late for that. I hear nothing for a while, so I turn off my light. Just as I've settled down once more, I hear it. And then 'dam' it flies into my head. I swipe for it, but miss - all goes silent. 'I've got it' I think. Phew, I settle down again, but no, there it is again. Blasted thing. This went on for a while. Until I remembered I had bug spray in my kitchen. I whole can of it - and even if it meant killing myself with the poisonous fumes, I would do it!

I sprayed the whole of the bedroom/living room, and then lay very still until the bug can close. It took a while because the light was still on - but I was a woman with a mission. And when it came near - shhhhhhhhhhhhhtt I sprayed it like my life depended on it - which it almost certainly did! And then it just disappeared. Seriously! No writhing around trying to get the stuff off itself, no painful buzz, no nothing. I was almost disappointed. But I waited, just to make sure, and sure enough there was nothing but the sound of a bit of dripping water, far off in the distance.

I snuggled up and felt asleep soundly, all thanks to the orange flavoured bug juice!! I have paid homage to it below, as only a life saver sound be....

Enjoy your day and remember to stay say, from dangerous animals like the mosquito!


  1. Oooo I'm glad you got it! I hate insect bites. Not much risk of mossies getting me here in Paris though! Dying of boredom whilst waiting for the train this morning because the train drivers are striking....possible! Had an AMAZING lesson today though - I am going to love my equivalents of Yr12! xx

  2. Lol - I still got bitten about 4 times during the night, but that's ok - none on my face, phew! So annoying about the train strikes, but great about the lessons! How many lessons are you teaching a week? xx
