Tuesday, 23 February 2010

50 Things to be Thankful For: No. 7...

The Bank Being Closed...

After class today I took a bus over to Yeongdeok where I needed to go to the bank that can send my money to the UK. The day was so warm and beautiful I was in a pretty good mood, so when I go to the bank and found out it was closed I assessed my options:

1) Go back to Yeonghae straight away;
2) Go to the shops and then go back to YH;
3) Go for a walk to the Buddhist temple to feed the fish.

Option 3 was the only one I wanted to do. I've only been once before and wanted to go and see the crazy fish, and the day was so nice I couldn't just pass it up!

So off I went, up the busy street, over the raod, across the bridge, along the river, past the bare apple trees, and up to the temple.

It was nice.

And then I went home!

It was a good day :)

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