It was a normal Monday. After a normal weekend. And I was pondering life, and what I should do with mine.
A lot of my friends are getting engaged and married and starting to have children. Settling down into the wonderful world of familidom (Please understand that I am in no way saying this is a bad thing, it is a wonderful and exciting thing to do). I was wondering what I should do at the end of my year in Korea. I've been thinking about the next step ever since I got here, just so I know I'm sure when I'm done of what I'm going to do.
A lot of people, friends and family included, "What are you planning to do at the end of your contract?" and "When will you come home?" I know it's because they care for me, and are interested in my life, and I am very thankful for them!
It all came to a head in Monday when I just it felt like a giant thing just whacked me on the forehead and said 'WHY ARE YOU ASKING WHERE YOU'RE GOING NEXT, YOU KNOW IT DOESN'T MATTER!'
I mean that in the way of, if I choose the wrong path I can change it. If I don't like a job, I can change it. If I don't like a country, I can move. If I don't have any friends, I can make some! Etc...
That's right folks. I think I'm happy not being where I'm meant to be. I mean who's to say what where we're supposed to be anyway. So, our parents married young and had babies straight away. Our friends are getting married and working hard to make a stable future for themselves.
But for me, the think that sticks in my mind over the years isn't settling down. It isn't even finding that right person who I might settle down with in the future. It's...
wait for it...
It's seeing the world. And not just seeing it, experiencing it. The culture, the vibe, the language, the people. That's what I love.
So, for the moment, I'm not going to worry about what I'm going to do in October. I have a few goals in my life that require me to work, but that's ok! I kind of love teaching English. And lets face it, if you can teach I can teach a bunch of Korean hogwans kids, I'm surely on my way to teaching kids who actually care somewhere else in the world!
So, maybe this doesn't make sense to anyone but me, and that's ok. But I just felt like I needed to get it down on paper (or in cyberspace - does anyone even say that any more?), so that when I get flustered and feel like a bit of comfort, I can remember why I'm doing all of this - because love is hard sometimes, but it's always worth it in the end!!
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