Thursday, 29 October 2009
I love it when something truely unexpected happens!
Tuesday, 27 October 2009
Thoughts of a lone thinker.
Monday, 26 October 2009
School is a wonderful thing...
Walking, running, sightseeing and chatting...
Saturday, 24 October 2009
Oh, and did I mention?
A long awaited, and very long post...enjoy!
As I write this I am in Frankfurt airport, sitting at departure gate B23, waiting to board my flight to Seoul. I feel like this is some very momentous moment, and I’m sat waiting. Hahaha...maybe it’s just because I’m used to running around after things so much, I’m still getting used to just sitting and waiting. I have to admit that Frankfurt airport is massively boring. I thought Dubai was dull when I went to Indonesia, but I can safely say, Frankfurt is worse :D They have one restaurant and then one ice cream stall, everything is majorly overpriced and there’s not really much of a friendly atmosphere (I sound like some sort of critic, don’t I!?). I decided to find a quiet place in the airport so that I could read my book/listen to some music/fall asleep. Instead I got a relatively loud, busy passageway, but at least I had a seat! I was sat, minding my on business, watching a film on my ipod, watching the world go by out the corner of my eye. This one guy caught my attention. Not for any other reason, apart from the fact that he was wondering up and down this particular stretch. Not looking too dodgy, but not looking normal either. Then in a quiet moment, he sits a couple of seats away and just says, “Hi!”. I laughed to myself, just my luck. I’m going to be stuck talking to this guy, when all I want to do is nap! As luck would have it (I know I’m mean!) he couldn’t speak much English, and as I can’t speak German he briskly got up, nodded and walked on. I thought it was funny anyway!
Right now, I’m sat across from the grumpiest guy I’ve seen all day, and whenever I look up he’s watching my intently. So every time I look up I smile broadly at him. Slowly but surely he’s starting to smile before I even look up. Sweet! Now, I don’t want you all getting the wrong idea here, I’m not hitting on anyone, and I’m not letting anyone hit on me, kapeesh!? But apart from those two, there was a really cute guy (think a New Zealander – HOT!!!) sat next to me on the London – Frankfurt leg. Hazel eyes that could melt snow caps. Anyway...I digress...
Last night I got approximately 3 hours sleep. I got off the phone to Julz at about 10:30 and packed the last few bits, before going upstairs to sort out my room (which was left very neat!). I meant to only read a bit more of my book, deciding if I could skip to the last chapter, but it got interesting and so I spent until 1 reading more, and then tried to skip bits, but it got really interesting. So I gave up at 2am, but only because I would have stayed up reading it until 5am had I not had a plane to catch. I left the book at home though. Somewhat disappointing really. So if anyone knows what happens in Olivia’s Luck (don’t know the name of the author), then please let me know :D ).
Because of my lack of sleep last night, I hope I sleep well on the plane, but if not I think there are some good movies on offer, and a 6 hour drive the other side.
I’ll write more when I get the chance...
The flight was super boring – nothing to report there, but when I landed it got much more interesting!!
So My first experiences of South Korea...
Well I got to the airport and decided I needed to straight to the toilets so I could change my top before meeting John and sitting in a car for 6 hours. So I get in there and they are HUGE! I felt like I was at Harrod’s or something! And then I go into the actual cubicle and they are like small bathrooms! But the loo seat is covered in plastic and you have to press a button so that it gets cleaned/discarded/something like that before you sit on it! Crazy! I think I might have giggles a little bit when I saw that.
Once I met John, it was straight into the car and driving towards Yeonghae. Incheon was impressive I am sure, but I just remember feeling like a very small being with everything towering around me. I didn’t think I was tired, but not long after we set off I was sound asleep, only to be woken for loo breaks and lunch. The services are MASSIVE!!!!! That is all I can say. I’ll try and remember to get a picture of one next time I leave here.
So we carry on driving, stopping every now and again for the loo or coffee, and then I suddenly wake up in this built up area in a small street that we’re stopping on. Two thoughts run through my mind: here? Seriously? So John opens my door and I’m still blurry eyed – I meet Mr. Kwon, my director of studies, and then get whisked off to the apartment quickly. I’ve not taken anything in just yet. I meet Neha and Makeba, dump my stuff and meet Denice. Straight back to the apartment and then to dinner – the night was a bit of a blur! So we eat some traditional bulgogi type dish (I think) and then off to the Beer Bank – to drink obviously. It’s good to meet everyone, but I’m so overwhelmed I can’t take it all in.
Back at my new apartment on my own, I have the rest of the night to ‘sleep’ but what with the time difference and all that’s gone on I just lie there motionless. Then I sit up. Take in my surrounding. I want to cry. I can still go back home. No one will notice if I just leave in the middle of the night. It’s no big deal right? I look at the walls. An off white colour with pink swirly flower type things and a pale silver detail. I look at the sofa covers. Some dark purple, pinky colour. Terracotta floors. No wardrobe, just a hanging rail. I just want to cry. What have I done? Did I really need to move half way across the world just to teach English. I leave the light on and somehow manage to get some sleep. I’m mortified at what I’ve done.
The next morning I accidentally sleep in late, waking up 2 mins before I need to go to lunch with Denice and Neha. Whoops. Feeling a little bit better, I dress and head out. Lunch was good. Chat was good. I felt a little bit better :) I went to class with Neha that day too and by the end of it I was feeling normal. I can do this. All is ok. Wednesday night was spent with the girls, and then Thursday we went to Yeongdeuk to exchange some money and catch up with Keba. Lotteria for lunch – their fast food...hahaha! And back in time for class. Party time. Out for dinner and drinks on Thursday night, where I met Jay and Terry, who are both part Korean. We have a really good time, and then head to some karaoke bar. It was pretty fun to be honest. No pressure, just loadsa fun. Then Friday saw an emergency trip to Yeongdeuk for Neha which I tagged along on so I could be sure of where I was going when I have to do it on my own. More partying in class and last goodbyes. It was nice to meet all the kids before I started teaching them – and see their nice sides :) On Friday night we went to Yeongdeuk again, but for Shabu Shabu and drinks – where I met Natasha and Rob, Canadians. They were lovely, and we went back to theirs for drinks and chatting. They have a wii! And their apartment is amazing!
We get up before 5am on Saturday morning to go up to Seoul for the weekend. I think this is crazy! But it’ll be worth it!! The bus ride is nothing special. Oh I should tell you that the buses are nothing like the ones in England! They have leather seats that recline, and foot rests at come up. They are pretty spacious (and coming from a Westerner who’s not as small as the locals – think what it must be like for them!!). So we all kind of slept on and off one the way up. As soon as we got to the station we headed it Itewon to dump our bags at the hotel and then grab food. The burgers we had were HUGE!! Anyway, onto Gyeonbokgung, the Palace. Was a good day out. Back to the hotel to shower and get ready before heading to the restaurant. Meeting more people, which was nice, and then out on the town. A good night was had! In bed after 4, up at about 11, ready, food and then back on the bus by 3:30. When I got back to Yeonghae I was so tired I just collapsed. Ate some food and went to sleep. Luckily on the bus I had time to think about lesson plans for Monday and Tuesday, but I still needed to prep everything.
So Monday comes and it’s off to the Hospital in Pohong (an hour away) to have a check up before I can register as an Alien! It was a busy day. We stopped at a couple of places on the way home and it was good to see some more places. Back home in time to pick up a couple of bits for class, and up I go. Classes were pretty good – it taught me a lot about teaching and the kids. But I’ll tell you more about that some other time. This post has been far too long already. All you need to know is that I really enjoyed working at the Hogwan this week, and long may it continue. It’s probably the biggest challenge I’ve had to face in a long time, and I’m really up for it. So more updates on that soon.
Love Kat x
Monday, 12 October 2009
1 last sleep...full English, suitcases, scales and fish dinners!
Sunday, 11 October 2009
2, shoes, cooking and cinema...
Saturday, 10 October 2009
3 sleeps to go, good bye my wonderful youth!
Friday, 9 October 2009
4 sleeps...aaaaaagh!
Thursday, 8 October 2009
5 sleeps...