Saturday, 24 October 2009

Oh, and did I mention?

I know I've written an insanely long blog today already, but I thought you should know:

Last night I walked to one of the local restaurants, waited patiently while the lady served someone else and then politely asked for tuna Korean. Those of you on facebook will know this, but those not on there will only know now! And the best part of it is...she understood me, and when she asked me a question I understood and answered correctly...I can do this, I can learn some korean to at least get me by while I'm in Korea! YAY!

Love Kat x


  1. Wooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WELL DONE! :)

  2. Hehehe...thanks, I just need to keep learning now :D Hope your French, Spanish and Italian are going just as well!!! xx
