Monday, 26 October 2009

School is a wonderful thing...

...and somewhat strange. I find it hard to believe that life is fair when my favourite class gets cancelled, when I would have enjoyed having the class before off - for no other reason but I actually don't like that class. I think that maybe they pick up on my frustration when I teach, or maybe they are just typical teenagers who see no need in learning English. If they're anything like me they'll do the lessons (ok so maybe I enjoyed languages) but won't take much in, or forget what they learn, and don't see much point in learning.

So, my point is that my job at Junchul Hogwan is to teach and encourage speaking English. Since I started, just over a week ago, they've been bored and uninterested - I was told they were amazing and the best of the students! Instead of enjoying laughing and enjoying playing games, they sit there sulking. At the end of class I ask them what they want to do, so that I don't spend my time thinking of new games and ideas to make learning fun. Do you know what they said? And I quote "Study, study." I said, "What tests and learning, with books?", "Yes teacher, this book, we want study". Well, I'm pretty happy to let them read a book and study it, no games. No games. Did I mention: No games? I was speechless...

Anyway, good night!

Love, Kat x

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